Wecamp Sao Miguel

R. Estr. Nacional 120. Sao Miguel , Odeceixe, Portugal - Voir la carte sur Google Maps
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Wecamp Sao Miguel - image n°1 - MyCamping
Wecamp Sao Miguel - image n°2 - MyCamping
Wecamp Sao Miguel - image n°3 - MyCamping
Wecamp Sao Miguel - image n°4 - MyCamping
Wecamp Sao Miguel - image n°5 - MyCamping
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Wecamp Sao Miguel - image n°1 - MyCamping
Wecamp Sao Miguel - image n°2 - MyCamping
Wecamp Sao Miguel - image n°3 - MyCamping
Wecamp Sao Miguel - image n°4 - MyCamping
Wecamp Sao Miguel - image n°5 - MyCamping

Discover São Miguel Camping, a haven nestled in the heart of Alentejo Southwest Natural Park, just 4km from the enchanting Odeceixe and Carvalhal Beaches. Immerse yourself in nature's embrace while embracing sustainable living, with our eco-friendly practices and extensive on-site amenities. Indulge in authentic regional cuisine at our Costa Alentejana Restaurant, unwind by the pool, or explore the coastal wonders with our organized activities and bike rentals. With a commitment to environmental stewardship and a passion for providing unforgettable experiences, São Miguel Camping invites you to experience the beauty and tranquility of the Alentejo coast like never before.

Disponibilités et prix

L'âge est important pour calculer le bon prix de votre séjour
  • Tous les séjours 8 disponibles
  • 7 locatifs disponibles
  • 1 emplacement disponible
  • Emplacement - Emplacement - Wecamp Sao Miguel


  • Location - Bell Tent - Wecamp Sao Miguel

    Bell Tent

  • Location - Caravane - Wecamp Sao Miguel


  • Location - Bungalow Family Premium - Wecamp Sao Miguel

    Bungalow Family Premium

  • Location - Bungalow Family Superior - Wecamp Sao Miguel

    Bungalow Family Superior

  • Location - Bungalow Family - Wecamp Sao Miguel

    Bungalow Family

  • Location - Bungalow Basic Family - Wecamp Sao Miguel

    Bungalow Basic Family

  • Location - Bungalow Basic Couple - Wecamp Sao Miguel

    Bungalow Basic Couple

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